Club Officials

Committee Members, Executive and Deputy Officers

Voted in at our last Annual General Meeting

Owen Hillerby
Club Chairperson

The club Chairperson is the key decision maker at our club. Presiding over any club meetings, having the casting vote in any deadlock situation, and acting as the overseer of the running of the club. They are also the Club representative to the outside world (along with the club Secretary) and its spokesperson if necessary.

Owen Hillerby
Club Secretary

The Secretary controls the club’s info@ email account, and any contact with Archery GB & the Yorkshire Archery Association. Acting as the main recorder of the discussions and decisions of any Club meeting. Also responsible for the updating of the club website’s course availability details along with the course bookings. Contactable via email on

Jess Herdsman

The Treasurer records all moneys collected and spent by the Club. Responsible for the safe keeping of all club funds, the bank account and purchasing. Also tasked with ensuring the committee is kept informed as to the financial state of the club as and when needed. Contactable via email on

Executive Officers

Beccy Avison
Club Welfare Officer

Acts as the contact person on matters relating to Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection at the club for its members, the committee and for Archery GB. Also to oversee safety of club shoots where children are involved. If unavailable at a club session they will always be available to contact via the cpo email address:

Ella Preece
Event Officer

A key member of our club who works with all our junior members to organise fun shoots for both the Wyke Archers Juniors, and the main Wyke Archers club. Acts as the point of contact for all the juniors to ensure the club remains a “fun” club. Always a DBS checked member, and working within conjunction of the Child Protection Officer and the Junior Representative(s).

Mary Hillerby
External Event Officer

Our External Events Officer is tasked to organise, collect monies for, and promote all the fun stuff we do away from the club. From trips out, evenings at the cinema, or the twice yearly club bowling sessions at Hollywood Bowl, they do it all!

Peter Herdsman
Equipment Maintenance Officer

The Equipment Maintenance Officer must always ensure that the club equipment is complete and safe to use. Organising the repair of targets, arrows and bows with the club committee and making them aware of any items in need of purchase. Also reporting to the committee when any other club owned equipment needs to be taken out of action for repair or replacing. Regularly taking items of the club kit away from the club for visual inspection and organisation.

TBC, Field Captain
(Deputies: TBC)

Our Field Captain ensures any club shoot layout conforms to Archery GB regulations and that safety aspects are adhered to. Working alongside the Field Captain are the Deputy Officers to assist with the overseeing of procedures. During indoor shoots the Field Captain (or Deputy Officer) acts as the safety officer, using a whistle to control the session.

Sam Reed
Records Officer
(Deputy: Jez Avison)

The point of contact for all club score records. Must check target size and distance before shoots, and accepts completed score sheets at the end. Responsible for keeping the club scoring records up-to-date, and running our club badge schemes, as well as awarding the club trophies when won. Contactable via the email address, which is the same address for submitting digital scores.

Tracey Sargeson
Social Media Officer

Ensures that all the club social media are kept up-to-date and in keeping with the clubs preferred public representation. Working with all other committee members and executive officers to produce the monthly newsletter for distribution by the club secretary via email at the start of every month. Contactable via the email address, which is the same address for sending in images taken at the club for our use.

Web Admin Officer

The Web Administrator oversees all activity on our website and beyond. Ensures the club website layout is kept up-to-date and in keeping with the clubs preferred public representation. Working with the web design and hosting company on all aspects of the club website, email system and any other web based maintanance.

Junior Representatives

Rowen Herdsman
Junior Representative

Sophie Avison
Junior Representative

Our Wyke Archers Juniors Representatives work with our Club Event Officer to arrange club Fun Shoots and Junior Fun Days. They are also the voice of our junior members at any club meeting or AGM.

Club Coaches

The following club members are Archery GB qualified coaches at our club. Each one maintains an active position as both a coach and a regular shooting club member. All our coaches are Advance DBS checked, and their qualification as a coach is re-assessed and renewed by Archery GB every 3 years. If you would like to see our credentials all our coaches are more than happy to show these as necessary.

Archery GB Level 1
Coach Alan Clarke

Archery GB Level 1
Coach Sara Cracknell

Archery GB Level 1 Coach
Owen Hillerby

Archery GB Level 1
Coach Steve Cracknell

Archery GB Level 1 Coach
Peter Herdsman

Archery GB Level 1 Coach
Jess Herdsman

The following club members are coaches in training at our club. Each one maintains an active position as both a potential Level 1 coach and a regular shooting club member. All our coaches in training are overseen by our full Level 1 coaches.

Archery GB Coach in Training
Rowen Herdsman

Archery GB Coach in Training
Steve Hutson

Annual General Meetings

An Annual General Meeting is held every September to elect the members for the following club year, to discuss the state of the club, the clubs immediate future, and any further points that need agreeing upon. Of course an extraordinary committee meeting can be requested and held at any time through the year as necessary. Committee members can hold a particular position on the committee for a maximum term of 3 years, after which they must step down for a minimum of 1 year before they can re-apply.

All club members are free to approach any committee member if they have a request, a recommendation, or any comments regarding the club and it’s running at anytime during a club shoot. A private one to one can be arrange should this be more appropriate.

The aim of the club is to encourage a friendly, fun and relaxed place for our members to shoot, so any thoughts to assist this are always greatly received.