Club Fair Usage Policy

Guest Archers Using our Club

Wyke Archers of Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire run an open door policy in line with recommendations from Archery GB in relation to non members using our club. We are very happy to welcome archers from all over the UK to shoot with us, share their experience, and demonstrate other techniques, provided they are covered by adequate insurance for the safety of all.

This means that:

  • Any current AGB Member who is either an “AGB Direct Member” or a member of another AGB club can use our facilities and will be charged our standard line fee to do so.

This is simply to enable archers who are visiting the area to shoot at an alternative club, or to allow other local club members to gain extra practice while their own club is closed (i.e. an additional session).

Other Insurance

Other types of archery and their own blanket insurance policies are not transferable (generally). So an archer shooting at an NFAS (National Field Archery Society) club under their insurance, for example, would not be able to shoot with ourselves as a guest, unless they take out insurance with either Archery GB directly or AGB through our club (therefore becoming a full member).

Fair Usage

To enable guest archers to get the full benefit of shooting with us and for this invitation to run smoothly, we require all guest archers to adhere to the following usage restraints:

  • Guests will pay the same line fees as set for current full members.
  • Guests will read and abide by our club rules when visiting.
  • No guest should offer assistance to others at our club (coaching) without being first invited to do so.
  • Guests should not interfere with or adjust a club member’s archery equipment unless invited to do so.
  • On specific sessions (internal club competitions or events) we reserve the right to close the club to guests for that session or arrange it to be an invite only session via the club committee.
  • Our club committee retains the right to refuse entry to a guest should that need arise.
  • While attending a club session guests should listen and adhere to instructions from our club line captain and/or committee members regarding safety and layout.
  • Guests can request a specific target distance and face via our line captain, and where possible our club will try and accommodate this.

This set of rules will allow our club to be fair to both our own full members and to our guests

We hope that this policy will secure our willingness to accommodate members of other clubs as guests, and do so in such a way that all archers including our own members have a clear perspective of what is required when doing so.