Contact Us

12 + 15 =

Wyke Archers

The above form can be used to message the club, or you can contact some of our Committee/Exec Officers directly on our their direct email addresses. They are as follows:

  • – for general contact with the club.
  • – for all contact with our club Treasurer. Anything to do with money and our online Member Accounts System, this is the contact address to use.
  • – for all contact with our Records Officer. Send to this email address anything and everything to do with club records and trophies.
  • – for all contact with our Social Media Officer. Used by our members to email in all the pictures or videos taken at any club session, or anything our members find on the internet that could be relevant to what we do!
  • – for direct contact with our Child Protection/Vulnerable Adults officer. Use this if you have ANY worries or concerns, not only with our club and members, but for any personal matters our CPO officer can help with. We as a club take the safety concerns of our members as a high and serious priority, ALWAYS.

We shoot within excellent facilities at Tranby School in Anlaby (recently known as Hull Collegiate School)

Tranby School, Tranby Croft, Anlaby, Hull, East Yorkshire. HU10 7EH

Zoom in on the map to see the exact location.

We have a Printable Map also available to assist you in finding us.